Friday, September 19, 2008

Liberal think tank goes to far on McCain attacks.

Notorious liberal think tank took on McCain today. This continues in their tradition of insulting former prisoner of war and torture victim John McCain. Check out their spin for yourself!

They are defending Barack Hussein Obama's tax and spend plan while calling Senator McCain a liar! Is nothing sacred in Liberal Washington? There is currently no word on how McCain's wife is taking these personal attacks on her beloved war hero husband. I am sickened that only 8 days after September 11th they have already let loose the attack dogs.

Middle America, do not stand for this, Stand up, Rise up and Demand to be heard!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Liberals are at it again!

Don't be fooled ladies and gentlemen the liberal spin masters are at it again. This time attacking our modern Betsy Ross; Sarah Palin. Is there no end to their shameless, sexist, speculative swings at Sarah? The latest liberal propaganda from the east coast elite lacks little subtlety as Barack Hussein Obama's bungling and bickering in back to back speeches comparing our compassionate candidate to common barn yard swine. This, politics as usual, leftist leaning libel was designed to distract disaster weary Americans with shock from his real insult.

Our 'Friend' Hussein Obama wanted to not only insult and degrade the first white house bound woman while her 4 children look on, but also to insult Rural America! The Washington Elite doesn't think Rural America is worth defending, they think farms and see dirt and swine. I think farms and see hard working Americans, the real Americans! The Americans who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, get some grease under their finger nails.

Of course Obama and his Liberal friends would prefer if everyone was wasting away on welfare and wacked out on marijuana. How would we pay for all of this you wonder? More taxes, that's right. Hussein Obama doesn't think you pay enough taxes. He think Americans who actually work for a living should pay even more! This is typical of East Coast Liberals like of his ilk. They want to take away our Rights, our Guns, our Trucks and our Flags.

Donate whatever you can so we can put America on the right track!